Ghaziabad Viral Video: In a terrible tragedy that sent shockwaves through the community, 38-year-old Jagjit Singh Rana of DLF Colony in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, took his life by hanging. Before taking the extreme step, Rana recorded two distressing videos, wherein he discouraged people from getting married. “Duniya mein kuchh bhi kar lena, par shadi mat karna”, Rana said.
Man Extreme Decision Over Family Abuse
According to Free Press Journal Report, Rana, a native of Narsaina in Bulandshahr, was staying alone in a flat and running a medicine supply business. He took the extreme step over harassment by his wife and in-laws, which he could no longer bear. The police were informed about the incident by neighbors, when the body of Rana was found hanging in his flat.
Subsequently, after the receipt of information, the police recovered the body of Rana and initiated an investigation into his death. They found that before Rana committed suicide, he had recorded two videos. In Ghaziabad Viral Video, Rana disclosed that his in-laws forced him to commit suicide. He narrated harassment by members of his wife’s family, stating they were staying in Bulandshahr and had made his life hell.
Rana’s Last Videos Reveal Deep Despair and Final Requests
Full of emotions, the videos of Rana are; he has stated unequivocally that he does not want his property shared and his face shown to any person. He has further requested the police and administration to handle his last rites and keep his face covered. In his last moments, Rana was seen preparing to hang himself in the second video, in which the noose tied to a ceiling fan. His last words, too, had the same ring of pleading with youngsters to stay away from marriage.
Police have sent Rana’s body for a post-mortem examination and initiated an in-depth investigation. They are awaiting a formal complaint from Singh’s family before they proceed with further action against those he accused. The tragic incident once again brings into sharp focus the grim reality of domestic harassment and the desperate measures it can push a victim to commit.
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