Sleeper Vande Bharat Train: With the Indian Railways all set to roll out the long-awaited Bareilly-Mumbai Sleeper Vande Bharat Express, hectic preparations related to its operational work are underway. Vande Bharat series of trains will cover a distance of 1,600 kilometers at one go. Trials, including speed tests, will be conducted for the next month to ensure that the trains run smoothly. Bareilly will house the country’s first Sleeper Vande Bharat, if everything goes right, thereby giving a big milestone in the rail network of the country.
Intensified Efforts for Bareilly-Mumbai Sleeper Vande Bharat Express
Along with that, Saharanpur-Prayagraj Vande Bharat Express is also in preparation, which is also going to mark its lead as the first operating Sleeper Vande Bharat in the division of Moradabad. Since there is no washing line in Moradabad, the starting point has now been brought to Bareilly. The Railways have firmed up the routes of both these trains with the Bareilly-Mumbai train scheduled to have stops in Chandausi, Aligarh, Agra, Gwalior, Jhansi, Bina, Bhopal, Itarsi, Khandwa, Jalgaon, Manmad, and finally reach Mumbai.
Finalizing Routes and Awaiting Approval
With the rolling out of the first sleeper coach for Vande Bharat Express on Sunday from the coach factory for trials, the new service is imminent. According to officials, after successful trials, the first Sleeper Vande Bharat may be handed over to Northern Railway. Meanwhile, the route for the Saharanpur-Prayagraj Vande Bharat Express has also been finalized and operations are expected to begin shortly.
However, the railways are considering other routes too for smooth operations. Though the route from Saharanpur to Prayagraj via Kanpur Central was being contemplated, it has been rejected due to heavy traffic of trains on the route. The railway is making all efforts to finalize the most feasible routes for these new services. Now, notification by the Railway Board is being awaited to give green signal for these sleeper trains so that long-distance traveling becomes more friendly for the passengers throughout India.
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