Badlapur Protest: Two three-year-old girls attending a coed school in Badlapur, Maharashtra, are the victims of a terrible incident where a male member of the cleaning staff is accused of sexually assaulting them in the girls’ toilet. The unsettling incident happened on August 12 and 13 on the Thane District school grounds. Following the parents’ Friday night complaint, the police moved quickly to apprehend the offender, who was named as Akshay Shinde. The judge has remanded him to three days of police custody. The incident has ignited protests across the community, with locals demanding justice for the young victims.
Accused Arrested, Parents Demand Justice
The parents, infuriated upon hearing of the alleged sexual assault on their daughters, hurried to the police station with the help of locals in order to lodge a report. Widespread protests in Badlapur were triggered by the incident, and enraged demonstrators stopped the local train at the Badlapur railway station.
Rajya Sabha MP Priyanka Chaturvedi’s Remarks
Rajya Sabha MP Priyanka Chaturvedi took to Twitter (now X) to express her outrage and demand justice for the victims. She wrote, “Two young girls were sexually assaulted in Badlapur, Maharashtra in the school premises; the entire state is outraged and seeks justice. I once again urge the @rashtrapatibhvn to approve the Maharashtra Shakti Criminal Law, no other child or woman face this travesty. Shame on the state government to continue to ignore the safety of women.”
Chaturvedi further stated, “These were nursery going girls, this incident happened in school premises. Sick perverts in our society want women to dress in a ‘decent way’, to step out during ‘safe hours’ and work in’ safe zones’ , take charge of their ‘own safety’ what would youll say to this?”
Delayed Response Leads to Police Inspector’s Transfer
Senior police inspector Shubhada Shitole is accused of delaying the case’s submission despite it being a POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) case during the state of affairs. This delay led to her immediate transfer, following public outrage.
School Administration Takes Action
As part of the ongoing investigation into the incident, the school administration suspended the principal, the classroom teacher, and the staff member in charge of transporting the children.
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