Karnataka School Bus Accident: In a tragic incident in Karnataka, a Loyola school bus was hit by a KSRTC bus, leading to the death of two students and severe injuries to three others. The accident occurred when the school bus, attempting to navigate around potholes on the road, changed lanes. A KSRTC bus, traveling behind, collided with the school bus, causing significant damage.
ADGP Alok Kumar described the incident as “very sad” and highlighted the growing concern over the increasing number of road accidents in the region. He noted that the severity of the collision resulted in the loss of limbs for three students, further underscoring the alarming situation. Authorities are investigating the incident and addressing the road safety issues contributing to such accidents.
Tragic Accident in Karnataka: School Bus Collides with KSRTC Bus, Resulting in Fatalities and Severe Injuries
In a tragic incident in Karnataka, a Loyola school bus was hit by a KSRTC bus, leading to the death of two students and severe injuries to three others. The accident occurred when the school bus, attempting to navigate around potholes on the road, changed lanes. A KSRTC bus, traveling behind, collided with the school bus, causing significant damage.
Rising Concerns Over Road Safety
ADGP Alok Kumar expressed deep sorrow over the incident, emphasizing the growing alarm over road safety issues in the region. He highlighted that the increase in accidents, exacerbated by poor road conditions such as potholes, is deeply concerning. Kumar stressed the urgent need for improved road maintenance and safety measures to prevent such tragedies in the future. The authorities are expected to intensify their efforts to address these safety concerns and enhance road infrastructure to protect commuters and prevent further accidents.
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