CM Mohan Yadav Father: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav’s father, Poonamchand Yadav, has passed away at the age of 100 following a prolonged illness. The Chief Minister took to the social media platform X to mourn the loss, describing it as an “irreparable loss” in his life. He praised his father’s life, marked by struggle and moral values, which had been a source of inspiration and guidance.
Tributes from Across the Political Spectrum
Condolences have been pouring in from leaders across the political spectrum. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed his condolences through a social media message, praying to Baba Mahakal to grant eternal peace to Poonamchand Yadav. Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma and Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai also extended their heartfelt condolences.
Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan visited Chief Minister Yadav in Ujjain on Wednesday to pay his respects. He offered tributes to the late Poonamchand Yadav and prayed for his soul to find peace.
Remembering a Life of Values and Service
Poonamchand Yadav, a figure admired for his enduring values and principled life, is remembered by many for his contributions and impact on those around him. His legacy, marked by a steadfast commitment to moral principles, has left a significant imprint on his family and community. Former Chief Ministers and Congress leaders, including Digvijay Singh and Kamal Nath, also joined in expressing their sympathies, acknowledging the profound loss to both the Yadav family and the wider community.
The passing of Poonamchand Yadav marks the end of a significant chapter in the life of Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, whose father’s life has been a guiding light for him and his family.
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