Maharani of Panna Arrested for Allegedly Causing Disturbance at Temple

Jiteshwari Devi, the Maharani of a royal family in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna, was arrested on Friday for allegedly causing a disturbance at the Bhagwan Jugal Kishore Temple in the city. She is accused of obstructing the worship ceremony inside the temple and creating a scene.

According to temple officials, Jiteshwari Devi attempted to disrupt the ongoing aarti at the temple on Thursday and insisted on performing it according to her own wishes. When she attempted to enter the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, a commotion ensued, and she was escorted out of the temple premises by the police. A video of the incident, showing Jiteshwari Devi arguing with temple authorities and the police, went viral on social media.

Subsequently, she was arrested under sections 295A and 353 of the Indian Penal Code. She appeared in court on Friday, where her bail plea was denied, and she was remanded to jail.

ML Awasthi, the lawyer representing the royal family, stated that he would reapply for bail on Saturday and hopes it will be granted this time.

Jiteshwari Devi, on the other hand, claimed that she was being pressured. She mentioned a Defense Welfare Fund worth Rs 65,000 crore allegedly being embezzled in Panna, with the case currently in court. She expressed confidence in being granted bail by Monday or Tuesday.

This is not the first time Maharani Jiteshwari Devi has faced legal issues, as she was previously arrested two years ago on a complaint filed by her mother-in-law.

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