MP News: Bulldozer Set to Demolish House of Man Who Stuffed Chilli Powder in Woman’s Mouth and Glued Lips with Fevikwik

MP News

MP News: A woman in Madhya Pradesh‘s Guna district was allegedly held captive, sexually assaulted, and brutally tortured by her former partner, Ayan Pathan. The police claim Pathan trapped the woman in a relationship with the intention of forcing her to transfer her property, which was registered under her mother’s name. When the woman refused, Pathan reportedly subjected her to a horrific ordeal.

From Beatings to Sealing Lips Shut

The abuse began with physical assault. When the woman’s cries for help grew too loud, Pathan allegedly resorted to even more barbaric methods. He is accused of stuffing chili powder in her mouth and using instant glue to seal her lips shut. This escalation in violence prompted the woman to escape and report the crime to the authorities.

Seeking Medical Help and Evidence Collection

Following the assault, the woman was admitted to a hospital in Gwalior and later referred to Delhi for further treatment. Medical reports revealed extensive injuries, including facial swelling and eye damage. The police arrested Ayan Pathan and recovered incriminating evidence from the crime scene, including the belt used in the assault, the glue tube, and a plastic pipe.

Demolition as a Deterrent

Taking a cue from similar practices in Uttar Pradesh, local authorities in Madhya Pradesh have ordered the demolition of Ayan Pathan’s house with a bulldozer. This strong action aims to serve as a deterrent to potential criminals and send a strong message of zero tolerance for violence against women.

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