MP News: – In a significant move, the Madhya Pradesh government has issued an order for the physical verification of students enrolled in madrasas across the state. The School Education Department has mandated that madrasas found to be enrolling non-Muslim or Muslim students under false pretenses, or providing religious education to students without parental consent, will face revocation of their recognition.
On Friday, the School Education Department released a directive highlighting concerns that several madrasas in the state may be falsely registering non-Muslim students to receive government grants. The department emphasized the need for immediate verification of these institutions.
Key Points of the Government Order
- Physical Verification of Madrasa Students: The order instructs that all madrasas recognized by the Madhya Pradesh Madrasa Board undergo physical verification to ensure that no non-Muslim or Muslim students are falsely registered to secure government funding. If such discrepancies are found, the government will cease all grants, revoke the madrasas’ recognition, and initiate appropriate legal action.
- Constitutional Compliance: The government reiterated the importance of adhering to Article 28(3) of the Indian Constitution, which states that no person attending a state-recognized or state-funded educational institution can be compelled to participate in religious instruction or worship without their consent, or in the case of minors, without the consent of their guardians.
- Action Against Unauthorized Religious Instruction: If any madrasa receiving state recognition or funds is found to be providing religious education against the will of the students or their guardians, or compelling them to participate in religious worship, all government funding will be halted. Additionally, the madrasa’s recognition will be revoked, and further legal action will be pursued.
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