MP News: Shivraj Singh Chouhan Showcases Personal Bond in X Bio Post-MP Chief Ministership

Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, is making a distinctive statement on social media by updating his X bio to emphasize his personal relationships. The bio now proudly declares ‘bhai aur mama’ (brother and maternal uncle), alongside the acknowledgment of being the Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh.

Shivraj Singh Chouhan Showcases Personal Bond in X Bio Post-MP Chief Ministership

The change in Chouhan’s X profile comes after the BJP’s significant victory in the Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections, where they secured 163 out of 230 seats, overcoming anti-incumbency. The Congress, in contrast, managed to secure only 66 seats.

Chouhan’s reputation as ‘mama’ (maternal uncle) and ‘bhai’ (brother) is deeply rooted in his people-centric governance, particularly through women-centric schemes like ‘Ladli Behna.’ Under this scheme, initially offering financial aid of Rs 1,000, later increased to Rs 1,250, Chouhan positioned himself as a caring brother.

While the BJP has chosen Mohan Yadav as the new leader for Madhya Pradesh, speculation remains about Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s future role. Despite hints of a potential central ministry, Chouhan presently holds no official designation. The alteration in his X bio appears to be a deliberate move to emphasize his personal connection with the people, particularly the women, of Madhya Pradesh, showcasing his enduring influence even beyond his chief ministership.

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