Noida News: Flood like situation continues in 17 villages, 3100 people rescued so far

Noida News

Noida News

Noida News: As the water river level of the River Yamuna crossed the danger mark due to the continuous downpour in the city, many villages and people have been affected and had to leave their homes and moved to the safe places especially people living in the low lying areas. Over 17 villages have been affected in Noida and Greater Noida due to the Flood Like situation. Around 3100 people have been displaced and moved to the safer locations. The District Magistrate inspected the affected sites and reviewed the situation of shelter homes set up by the administration.

Administration has set up additional beds for Medical Emergency

Due to the heavy rains in the area, the administration ordered shutting down the schools. The areas around the Yamuna and the Hindon River were badly affected resulting in water-logging and jams all over the area. The NDRF and the PAC teams were looking after the rescue operations and were distributing Food Packets and drinking water to the residents living in the Low lying areas. The administration has set up Medical Teams with additional beds and medicines in case of any emergency.

22 Shelter Homes made for the displaced people

The Nodal Officer has said that around 22 shelter homes have been set up across the district to look after the displaced people and provide them adequate arrangements.

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