Patna News: Authorities Issue Advisory For Ensuring Safety During Chhath Puja Celebrations

Patna news

Patna News: As the auspicious festival of Chhath Puja approaches, authorities in Patna have issued a comprehensive advisory to ensure the safety of devotees during the festivities. With the city gearing up for the grand celebrations, the advisory emphasizes key measures to be taken to prevent accidents and ensure a smooth and secure Chhath Puja experience.

One of the primary concerns addressed in the advisory is the safety of devotees at the ghats. Authorities have urged the installation of proper barricades and lighting along the riverbanks to avoid any untoward incidents. Additionally, strict monitoring of crowd control measures will be implemented to prevent overcrowding, reducing the risk of stampedes.

Environmental Concerns:

In response to environmental concerns, the advisory encourages the use of eco-friendly materials for the traditional diyas and decorations. Authorities aim to promote a cleaner and greener celebration, urging citizens to avoid the use of plastic and other non-biodegradable items. This aligns with the broader initiative to create awareness about environmental sustainability during religious festivals.

Traffic management is another critical aspect covered in the advisory. With an expected surge in vehicular movement, authorities have outlined specific routes and parking areas to prevent congestion. Strict action will be taken against illegal parking to ensure smooth traffic flow and emergency vehicle access.

The advisory concludes with a plea to the citizens of Patna to cooperate with authorities and follow the guidelines for a joyous yet safe celebration of Chhath Puja. By adhering to these measures, the city aims to strike a balance between upholding traditions and ensuring the well-being of its residents during this significant festival.

Here’s some do’s and Donts for Chhath Puja:


  1. Choose a safe and designated area for the Chhath Puja rituals.
  2. Ensure proper sanitation and cleanliness at the puja site.
  3. Use eco-friendly materials for decorations and offerings.
  4. Follow all safety guidelines and precautions while preparing and handling offerings.
  5. Stay informed about weather conditions and plan accordingly, especially if celebrating near water bodies.


  1. Use harmful chemicals or non-biodegradable items during the puja.
  2. Compromise on safety measures, especially when dealing with fire or electrical components.
  3. Disregard environmental concerns; be mindful of the impact of your celebrations.
  4. Perform rituals in restricted or unsafe areas.
  5. Ignore local regulations or guidelines related to public celebrations.

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