Patna news: SP Traffic’s Unique Step to Avoid Congestion, Schools to Close at 5-10 Minutes Gap for Smooth Flow

Patna news

Patna News: Nearly all of Patna‘s roads are congested following the school break. A meeting with all of the traffic DSPs and school representatives was convened on Tuesday under the chairmanship of Traffic SP Puran Jha in order to make the traffic flow smoothly. In this, it was decided that if there are two or three schools along a route, then their vacation time must be retained with a gap of five to ten minutes. Along with this, a suitable number of security guards will need to be stationed at each school during the start of the school year and during breaks, at points where there is high traffic around the entrance to the school and the road leading to it. The main issue arises around the summer months. Regarding this, stopping the school buses will require them to be let to go only after a certain amount of time has passed.

Patna Schools Urge Parents to Follow Vehicle Capacity Guidelines

Additionally, it was resolved during the meeting to encourage parents of students who commute to school in cars or other private vehicles to seat their children in the vehicles in accordance with the capacity set by the transportation department at parent-teacher conferences. In addition, it was agreed to periodically run advertising regarding overloading.

Patna Schools Collaborate with Authorities to Tackle Road Challenges

The school administrator explained in the meeting that because construction equipment is left on the road, traffic pressure is created on it. Along with this, the issue of heavy truck operation in restricted areas also surfaced. The Traffic SP provided the required guidelines and made the cell numbers of the local police officers available to the representatives of all the school administration in order to maintain coordination in order to address these issues as well. Traffic SP advised the representatives of the entire school administration during the meeting to include a brief explanation of traffic laws whenever an event or parent meeting is planned at the school. Along with this, they should also be asked to park the vehicle on the road, wear helmets, seat belts etc. Traffic SP has also asked to run an awareness campaign.

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