Punjab News: With Independence Day 2024 celebrations just a fortnight away, the Punjab Police, on Saturday, launched a massive security operation called OPS-VII Seal. It included checking of all the incoming and outgoing vehicles to the state and was quite an exhaustive exercise to ensure safety and ward off any threat.
Extensive Vehicle Checks from 7 am to 1 pm
It started from 7 am and continued till 1 pm. The operation was intended to keep tab on the movement of drug traffickers, smugglers, and other anti-social elements. This elaborate security measure reflects the additional vigilance and preparedness of the state as August 15 approaches.
Special DGP, Law and Order, Arpit Shukla said, “Directions had been issued to all SSPs in border districts to undertake joint naka operations at identified points.” More than 1,100 police personnel were mobilised for the operation, setting up checkpoints at 91 entry and exit points across 10 districts. These share borders with four neighbouring states and Chandigarh. 3668 vehicles entering/exiting the state were checked and 139 were challan and 12 were impounded.
Inspectors and Deputy Superintendents Ensure Smooth Execution
The security pickets were overseen by inspectors and deputy superintendents of police to ensure effective monitoring and enforcement. 431 suspicious persons were round up for questioning. This forms part of a coordinated effort in a grand scheme for improving security to maintain law and order during the anniversary celebrations of Independence Day. 14 first reports of information (FIRs) were filed.
The planning and execution of OPS-VII Seal by Punjab Police underline the imperative for high security levels at times of heightened public and national significance. This is an exercise to ensure a safe environment for the festivities and allay any apprehensions about security concerns.