Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann made a strong plea to the people of Haryana to support the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the upcoming Haryana Elections 2024 during the “Badlav Jansabha” at Naraingarh in Ambala. Rather than depending on the BJP’s “double-engine” approach to government, which frequently refers to the same party ruling both at the Centre and in the state, he contended that the state needs a “new engine” for success.
A Call for Change
Bhagwant Mann emphasised that Haryana has not experienced the progress it deserves over the previous 78 years, even though the state has provided the Congress, BJP, and INLD with opportunity. He emphasised that it is time for a change because the problems the people confront have only gotten worse under the current administration. Mann emphasised that Haryana likewise requires a new approach to governance, pointing out the achievements of AAP-governed Punjab and Delhi.
Comparing States’ Progress
Bhagwant Mann drew comparisons between Haryana and its neighboring states, Delhi and Punjab, where AAP has made significant strides in providing free electricity, improving education, and enhancing healthcare services. He claimed that while Punjab offers the cheapest electricity to industries and zero electricity bills to 90% of households, Haryana lags behind in these aspects.
Promising a Better Future
Bhagwant Mann questioned why Haryana could not benefit from better schools, clinics, and free power like Delhi and Punjab could, while reassuring everyone that the AAP is dedicated to providing these amenities. Senior vice president of the AAP’s Haryana unit Anurag Dhanda reaffirmed Mann’s remarks, saying that Haryana is prepared for the AAP to bring about change and that the BJP is headed out of state.
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