Punjab News: Punjab’s Finance Minister, Harpal Singh Cheema, announced that 2,601 participants in the ‘Bill Liao Inam Pao’ scheme have collectively won rewards worth ₹1.52 crore for uploading their bills on the ‘Mera Bill’ app. The scheme, which was introduced to enhance tax compliance and boost state revenue, has seen a significant response from the public.
Cheema revealed that a total of 97,443 bills were uploaded on the app, with 1,892 winners already receiving prizes worth ₹1.10 crore. The remaining 709 winners are set to receive rewards amounting to ₹41 lakh.
Increased Penalties for Irregularities
In addition to rewarding participants, the ‘Bill Liao Inam Pao’ scheme has also served as a deterrent to tax irregularities. Cheema reported that penalties totaling ₹7.92 crore have been imposed on individuals and businesses found guilty of issuing improper or fraudulent bills. Of this amount, ₹6.16 crore has already been recovered, reflecting the government’s commitment to enforcing tax laws and ensuring compliance.
Boosting Tax Compliance and State Revenue
The ‘Bill Liao Inam Pao’ scheme was launched with the objective of encouraging consumers to demand bills from shopkeepers and service providers, thereby increasing transparency and state revenue collection. The initiative is part of a broader effort by the Punjab government to foster a culture of tax compliance and discourage tax evasion. According to Cheema, the scheme’s success underscores the public’s growing awareness of the importance of tax compliance.
Future Initiatives and Innovations
Looking ahead, the Punjab government plans to build on the success of the ‘Bill Liao Inam Pao’ scheme by introducing more innovative initiatives aimed at promoting tax compliance. “We are thrilled with the response to the scheme and will continue to innovate and implement initiatives that promote a culture of tax compliance,” said Cheema. The government’s efforts to modernize tax administration and engage citizens in revenue generation are expected to play a crucial role in the state’s economic development.
This scheme is just one of the many measures the Punjab government is taking to ensure that every transaction is accounted for, thereby safeguarding the state’s financial health and fostering a fairer economic environment.
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