Punjab News: AAP Ignites Lok Sabha Election Campaign in Punjab with a “13-0 Victory” Slogan

CM bhagwant mann
Punjab News: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has initiated a significant campaign in Punjab, announcing an ambitious goal at a rally in Mohali. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has launched the “13-0, Punjab will win” slogan, indicating the party’s drive to kickstart the Lok Sabha election campaign. The objective, as stated, is to achieve a sweeping victory to further the development and honor of Punjab.

AAP Ignites Lok Sabha Election Campaign in Punjab with a “13-0 Victory” Slogan

During the event, Arvind Kejriwal also echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the aim for a 13-0 victory in Punjab. He highlighted ongoing efforts to undermine the AAP government in the state, framing the election as a crucial battle for Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann.

The state government plans to showcase its key achievements

Achieving victory across all 13 seats, Kejriwal argued, would empower Mann with the necessary support to ensure Punjab’s prosperity remains unchallenged. The state government plans to showcase its key achievements, including zero electricity bills, the door-to-door employment campaign, Aam Aadmi clinics, irrigation water for every farm, and anti-corruption efforts. Additionally, the campaign will draw attention to the central government’s withholding of rural development funds for Punjab. This year, the election campaign will be led entirely by CM Bhagwant Mann.

AAP has also prepared to engage with the electorate by highlighting the work done in the past two years. The party introduced the slogan “Sansad ch vi Bhagwant Mann, khushhaal Punjab te vadhigi shaan” (Bhagwant Mann in Parliament too, will enhance the glory of a prosperous Punjab), aiming to directly connect with the public and further energize their campaign for the upcoming elections in Punjab.

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