Punjab News: Bhagwant Mann Extends Congratulations on Gurgaddhi Day of Sri Guru Harirai Sahib Ji

BHagwant Mann

In a recent tweet, Bhagwant Mann, Chief Minister of Punjab, extended his heartfelt congratulations to everyone on the occasion of the Gurgaddhi Day of the Seventh Patshah Sri Guru Harirai Sahib Ji.

Bhagwant Mann Extends Congratulations on Gurgaddhi Day of Sri Guru Harirai Sahib Ji

The tweet, shared by Mann on his official Twitter handle, underscored the significance of the occasion and urged everyone to follow the path illuminated by Guru Sahib Ji. He emphasized the importance of working towards the conservation of nature and the environment, aligning with the teachings and values advocated by Guru Harirai Sahib Ji.

Gurgaddhi Day, commemorating the ascension to the spiritual seat of the revered Guru, holds immense significance for followers of Sikhism worldwide. It serves as a moment of reflection and inspiration, prompting individuals to imbibe the timeless wisdom and principles espoused by Guru Harirai Sahib Ji.

Mann’s message resonates with the ethos of environmental stewardship

Mann’s message resonates with the ethos of environmental stewardship and reverence for nature, echoing the teachings of Sikhism that emphasize the interconnectedness of all living beings with the environment.

As Punjab’s Chief Minister, Mann’s call for environmental conservation aligns with his administration’s commitment to sustainable development and ecological preservation, reflecting a holistic approach towards governance rooted in spiritual and ethical values.

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