Punjab News– After years of persistent efforts, the Punjab Police have successfully extradited Ramanjit Singh, also known as Romy, the mastermind behind the infamous 2016 Nabha Jailbreak, from Hong Kong. Romy, a key conspirator in the jailbreak, was closely associated with the ISI and other escaped prisoners, including Harminder Singh Mintu and Kashmir Singh Galwaddi of the Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF).
Romy’s extradition marks a significant victory in the Punjab Police’s ongoing fight against organized crime and terrorism. The process began in 2018 under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) with the Hong Kong government. It involved the issuance of a Look Out Circular (LOC) and a Red Corner Notice (RCN) against Romy. Punjab Police’s Anti Gangster Task Force (AGTF) is currently en route to bring Romy back to India, where he will face justice.
International Cooperation and Legal Efforts
The successful extradition is the result of a collaborative international effort. The Punjab Police, in coordination with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of External Affairs, presented a robust case to Hong Kong’s Department of Justice and the Hon’ble Courts. This cooperation highlights the effective collaboration between Indian and international agencies in bringing fugitives to justice.
Punjab Government’s Commitment to Justice
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has lauded the Punjab Police for their relentless pursuit of justice in this high-profile case. The Chief Minister reiterated the state government’s commitment to ensuring that those involved in serious crimes, such as the Nabha Jailbreak, are held accountable. The extradition of Romy is seen as a major step toward closing the chapter on one of the most notorious jailbreaks in India’s recent history.
The Punjab Police have expressed their gratitude to the Hong Kong authorities and all central agencies involved in this international operation. With Romy now in custody, the state remains focused on delivering justice and maintaining law and order.
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