Punjab News: Punjab Assembly to Honor Farmers Abstaining from Crop Residue Burning

The Punjab assembly is gearing up to honor farmers who choose not to burn crop residue, recognizing their crucial role in environmental conservation. This initiative aims to incentivize farmers to adopt alternative practices and refrain from the traditional but harmful method of burning crop residue after harvesting.

Punjab Assembly to Honor Farmers Abstaining from Crop Residue Burning

The state government, acknowledging the significant contribution of these farmers to mitigating air and environmental pollution resulting from farm fires, plans to extend appreciation across all districts. The agriculture department will compile lists of such farmers, and special events will be organized throughout the state to honor their commitment.

Crop residue burning has been a major environmental concern, contributing to air pollution and posing health risks. By recognizing and appreciating farmers who opt for sustainable alternatives, the Punjab assembly seeks to set an example and encourage a broader shift in agricultural practices.

Punjab assembly speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan emphasized the positive impact of farmers

Punjab assembly speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan emphasized the positive impact of farmers who choose not to burn crop residue. Their constructive contribution extends beyond preventing air pollution; it also promotes soil health and protects human well-being from hazardous diseases associated with crop fires.

The speaker urged farmers to carry the message against crop fires to their villages, becoming advocates for sustainable farming practices. Motivating others to follow suit, these farmers play a pivotal role in building awareness and fostering a collective commitment to environmental conservation.

In addition to the recognition in the assembly, special events organized by agriculture and other departments will celebrate the efforts of these farmers. The state assembly’s initiative echoes the broader global emphasis on sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship.

Sandhwan’s appeal for farmers to maximize tree plantation efforts aligns with the larger goal of expanding green cover and creating a clean, green, and pollution-free environment. The push for machine-based wheat crop sowing further underscores the assembly’s commitment to modernizing agricultural practices for a sustainable and eco-friendly future. Through these measures, the Punjab assembly aims to celebrate and encourage a transformative shift toward environmentally conscious farming practices.

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