Punjab News: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann paid his heartfelt respects on the occasion of the Jyoti-Jyot Divas of Guru Ram Das Ji, the fourth Sikh Guru. In his message, Mann expressed deep reverence for Guru Ram Das Ji, acknowledging the Guru’s significant role in guiding followers to connect with the True Waheguru.
The Chief Minister highlighted the Guru’s teachings as a source of inspiration for the Sangat, urging them to follow the path illuminated by Guru Ram Das Ji. Mann emphasized the importance of adhering to the Guru’s spiritual guidance and living according to His principles. This tribute reflects the continued reverence for the Guru’s contributions to Sikhism and the ongoing impact of His teachings on the community.
Significance of Jyoti-Jyot Divas
Jyoti-Jyot Divas marks the day when Guru Ram Das Ji, the fourth Guru of Sikhism, merged with the Divine Light. This day is observed to honor his spiritual legacy and teachings. Guru Ram Das Ji is renowned for his contributions to Sikh theology, including the foundation of Amritsar, which became the spiritual and cultural center for Sikhs. The celebration serves as a reminder of his vision of unity, humility, and devotion, encouraging followers to reflect on his teachings and integrate them into their lives.
Community Engagement and Reflection
On this significant day, various Sikh communities engage in prayers, hymns, and community service to celebrate Guru Ram Das Ji’s life and teachings. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann’s message resonates with the sentiments of the community, reinforcing the values of compassion, service, and spiritual commitment promoted by Guru Ram Das Ji. His call to uphold these principles underscores the relevance of the Guru’s teachings in contemporary society and the continued need for spiritual and moral guidance.
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