Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann extended heartfelt congratulations to educators across the state on Teacher’s Day. He offered a special tribute to the late Master Mahinder Singh, who was not only his father but also his science and math teacher. CM Mann reflected on the significant impact Master Mahinder Singh had on his life and education.
Celebrating the Legacy of Education
In his address, CM Mann highlighted the profound legacy left by teachers who dedicate their lives to shaping young minds. He noted that educators play a pivotal role in fostering intellectual and moral growth, which is essential for the development of a progressive society. The Chief Minister called upon everyone to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of teachers in creating a better future for the next generation.
Commitment to Improving Education
CM Mann also used the occasion to reiterate his government’s commitment to enhancing the education sector in Punjab. He outlined planPunjab CM Bhagwant Mann Honors Teachers on Teacher’s Days for improving educational infrastructure, increasing support for teachers, and ensuring that every student has access to quality education. The Chief Minister emphasized that investing in education is crucial for the state’s progress and the well-being of its citizens.
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