2008 Jaipur serial blasts case: Rajasthan High Court acquits all accused

In the 2008 Jaipur serial blast case, the Rajasthan High Court acquitted all the accused. Along with giving this verdict, the court also raised questions on the investigation of ATS. The court said that it has also pointed out several flaws in the investigation by the Anti Terror Squad (ATS) of the Rajasthan Police. It also includes many points from the identification parade of the accused to the evidence presented in the court. The court has also ordered the DGP to look into the matter seriously and take action against the investigators. This investigation will proceed under the monitoring of the Chief Secretary.

Court raised questions on ATS investigation

The court order said how the ATS produced pellets found in the bodies of those affected in the bomb blasts as evidence. But ignored the difference in the pellets of the blast. The ATS said that the accused had bought cycles to execute the Jaipur blasts, but the frame numbers of the cycles found at the blast site were different from the ones given in the bills. The court said that questions were being raised on the manner in which the ATS completed the investigation of the case.

ATS could not clear these points

Four suspected members of the Indian Mujahideen were sentenced by a trial court for the 2008 Jaipur serial blasts. However, the death sentence awarded to these accused was quashed by the Rajasthan High Court. On the contrary, the High Court pointed out several lapses in the investigation of the State ATS in this case. He said that the ATS did not investigate the matter closely. ATS was reprimanded by the court regarding pellets, cycle details, sketches in the case.

Now the sword of action on the investigators

The bench said in the order that it was a failure of the ATS that how the defense counsel exposed several claims of the investigating agency. The four accused, who were acquitted, were accused of purchasing pellets to make explosives from a shop near Jama Masjid in New Delhi. The ATS investigation apparently overlooked the difference between the pellets found in the bodies of the victims and those produced as evidence.

Difference seen in bill of cycle used in blast

It was told in the court that on the use of cycles in the blast, the ATS had said that they were bought on May 13, 2008, the day of the blast itself. However, in two bills, the date of purchase of cycle was mentioned as May 12. Moreover, the frame numbers of the cycles found at the blast site did not match with the bills. The police did not even confiscate the bill book. Apart from this, there were also manipulations related to date, bill number in the bill book.

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