President Draupadi Murmu inaugurated National Scouts and Guides Jamboree at Nimbali village

Today, President Draupadi Murmu is inaugurating the 18th National Scouts and Guides Jamboree at Nimbali village in Pali district of Rajasthan. Here, 3,520 tents have been set up in an area of ​​220 hectares for about 35,000 scouts and guides from India and abroad. President Draupadi Murmu and Governor Kalraj Mishra will start this Jamboree in the afternoon. This is the second Jamboree of Rajasthan, earlier in the year 1956 Jamboree was organized in Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. Jamboree is being organized in this state even once after 66 years. This time, 400 scouts-guides from countries like Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nepal, Kenya are also participating in the Jamboree.

The National Jamboree is being organized for 70 years. Jamboree was organized for the first time in the year 1953 in Hyderabad. During that time about 7000 scouts-guides had participated in this program. After this, gradually the number of people participating in this event increased. This time 35 thousand scouts-guides are participating in this jamboree being organized in Rajasthan. During this programme, 35 thousand children are going to create a world record by singing a song together.

Learn the history of Jamboree

The history of Jamboree is related to South Africa. According to history, 1500 Gores and 8000 local people lived in a town named Maefking here between 1899-1900. The Dutch (Boer) army of about 9000 men surrounded Mafeking to capture it. During this period Baden Paul (who founded the Scouts) was posted in Mafeking. He had 1,000 soldiers and only 8 guns to fight the war with the Dutch soldiers, but even after this, Powell did not allow the Dutch to enter his town for 218 days. The biggest reason for this was Mafeking preparing an army of boys above 9 years of age. Small children were employed in first aid and other works and the older ones to fight the war. After this incident, Baden Paul wrote a book called ‘Aids to Scouting’. After this, Powell organized the first Scout Camp with 20 boys from 29 July to 9 August at Brown Sea Island near Pul Harbour, in 1907. On the basis of which Jamboree is organized in India.

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