Scrub Typhus Claims Another Life in Himachal Pradesh, 102 Positive Cases in Shimla Raises Concern

Himachal Pradesh News

Himachal Pradesh News: In Himachal Pradesh, scrub typhus has claimed one more life. The sickness has claimed a second life in the state. A woman had also passed away earlier. In Shimla’s IGMC Hospital, 102 persons have been identified as having this condition thus far.

Second Scrub Typhus Fatality in Himachal’s Shimla Hospital

According to reports, the woman passed away on Monday at the IGMC hospital in Shimla due to scrub typhus. This 35-year-old woman lived in Arki, a district of Solan. Dr. Rahul Rao, Senior Medical Superintendent at IMMC, has confirmed the incident. The woman, he said, had perished from scrub typhus. 528 patients have been tested thus far. 102 of them have been discovered to have scrub typhus. Earlier than this, a woman from the Arki area passed away. Let us inform you that the months of August and September see an upsurge in scrub instances every year.

Scrub Typhus Originates from Insect Bites

Insect bites are the source of scrub typhus. The bacteria of scrub typhus begin to multiply in the body when this worm known as Thrombocytopenic Mites enters, and this is where the insect thrives in the rodents dwelling in the fields, shrubs, and grass. When going to work in the fields, individuals frequently get bitten on their feet by this insect. Patients with scrub typhus experience a high temperature, headache, muscular stiffness, and bodily deterioration. People who detect these symptoms should visit the hospital right once to schedule a test. It is not advisable for people to seek rescue in fields and grass. If you must use the loo, completely cover your body. Every year a large number of scrub typhus cases are reported in Himachal.

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