Tragedy Strikes; Eight Dead in Tamil Nadu Firecracker Factory Blast, Firefighters and Rescue Teams Rush to Scene

Tamil Nadu News: At a firecracker factory in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, there was an explosion that resulted in eight fatalities and numerous injuries. The explosion that occurred on Saturday morning had such a strong impact that it caused an adjacent hotel structure to collapse and four other buildings to sustain partial damage, trapping many people inside. Watch Video Here.

Dozens Injured, 12 Critical, Admitted to Hospital after Firecracker Factory Explosion

According to the police, 12 seriously injured people have already been admitted to the hospital. Firefighters and rescue crews have been working to extinguish the fire and free anyone trapped within since they arrived on the scene as soon as the event occurred.

Hotel Collapses and Adjoining Dwellings Damaged in Firecracker Factory Explosion

According to the district collector, the impact of the explosion caused a hotel building to totally collapse and three to four adjoining dwellings to sustain minor damage. The number of persons who are all still buried underneath the rubble is unknown to rescue workers. Police have not yet determined what caused the explosion, though.

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