Pushkar Singh Dhami, one of the young Chief Ministers in the country, has once again achieved the title of the most popular Chief Minister in BJP-ruled states after Yogi, thanks to his efficiency. Chief Minister Dhami’s decisive and bold actions and policy decisions for state development have set him apart. Especially among women and the youth, Dhami is highly favored for his decisions in the state’s interest.
The reputed media group Nav Bharat Times conducted a poll on its online platform to determine the most popular Chief Minister among BJP-ruled states after CM Yogi. In this poll, 51.1% of the public endorsed Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami as the most popular Chief Minister. During the poll, the public also praised Dhami’s decisions and work through comments.
Additionally, in the survey, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma received 16.9%, Goa’s Pramod Sawant 16.3%, and Gujarat’s Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel received only 15.7% votes. Notably, Chief Minister Dhami had previously made a mark by securing the 61st position in the Indian Express’s list of the most powerful Indians. Furthermore, under his leadership, Uttarakhand topped the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) rankings nationwide. Dhami also enjoys significant popularity among the general public and on social media. A few months ago, he was listed among the most-followed leaders in the country, after Prime Minister Modi and Amit Shah, with over a crore followers on his Facebook page.
How Chief Minister Dhami Created a Unique Identity
In just three years, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has made significant decisions in development and law enforcement. By implementing the country’s first strict anti-copying law, Dhami set a precedent. Following Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and the central government adopted stringent anti-copying laws. Dhami also made a landmark decision to implement the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the state, setting an example nationwide. Additionally, effective action was taken against land jihad by freeing hundreds of hectares of land from encroachment. Other major laws introduced include strict anti-riot and anti-conversion laws. Dhami also managed major crises, including the rescue of 41 workers from the Silkyara tunnel disaster, handling the Joshimath disaster, and managing recent calamities in Kedarnath and other places with great prudence. Furthermore, as a skilled politician, Dhami led record-breaking victories for all five Lok Sabha seats in Uttarakhand with substantial votes, demonstrating his adept political capabilities.
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