PM Modi: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami participated in the 113th edition of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Mann Ki Baat” program on Sunday, held in Indiranagar, Dehradun. The program featured an interaction with the team members of the Spacetech Start-Up GalaxEye, which was founded by IIT-Madras alumni.
One of the key highlights of the program was Prime Minister Modi’s conversation with Rakshit, a member of the GalaxEye team and a resident of Almora, Uttarakhand. During the interaction, Prime Minister Modi made a special mention of Almora’s renowned Bal Mithai, a sweet delicacy cherished across the region.
The Prime Minister shared a personal anecdote, revealing that badminton player Lakshya Sen, also from Uttarakhand, always brings him Bal Mithai from Almora. This mention brought a sense of pride to the people of Almora and Uttarakhand, highlighting the cultural richness of the state.
Spotlight on Uttarakhand’s Rising Talent
The interaction during “Mann Ki Baat” also shed light on the achievements of young talents from Uttarakhand like Rakshit, who are making significant contributions in cutting-edge fields such as space technology. GalaxEye, the start-up that Rakshit is a part of, has been making waves in the Spacetech sector, and the mention of Rakshit by Prime Minister Modi during the program has brought national attention to the innovative spirit emerging from Uttarakhand.
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami lauded Rakshit and the entire GalaxEye team for their achievements, emphasizing that the youth of Uttarakhand are making their mark on both national and international platforms. He also reiterated the state government’s commitment to supporting and nurturing young talent.
Cultural Heritage and Local Pride
The Prime Minister’s mention of Almora’s Bal Mithai during the program has further bolstered local pride in Uttarakhand’s rich cultural heritage. Bal Mithai, a traditional sweet from Almora, is not just a delicacy but a symbol of the region’s identity. The sweet is beloved by locals and visitors alike, and its recognition by Prime Minister Modi during “Mann Ki Baat” serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and promoting regional traditions.
Chief Minister Dhami highlighted that such acknowledgments from the Prime Minister serve to inspire local artisans and producers to continue their efforts in maintaining the cultural legacy of Uttarakhand. The state government, he assured, will continue to promote local products and traditions, ensuring they receive the recognition they deserve on larger platforms.
CM Dhami’s Commitment to Youth and Tradition
Reflecting on the program, Chief Minister Dhami expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Modi for spotlighting Uttarakhand’s contributions, both in terms of innovation and cultural richness. He emphasized that the state government is dedicated to empowering the youth and promoting traditional industries that sustain local communities.
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