Uttarakhand Weather Update: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for heavy rainfall in several hilly districts of Uttarakhand, including Dehradun, Bageshwar, Champawat, Nainital, Pithoragarh, and Udham Singh Nagar. These areas are expected to experience intense rain showers throughout the day, while other districts may also witness several rounds of heavy rainfall.
Rescue Operations Amid Rising Water Levels
The continuous heavy rainfall has caused rivers and streams in Dehradun to swell, leading to dangerous conditions. In response, the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) launched rescue operations at three different locations in the district. A total of 24 people, including eight tourists from Ghaziabad, were successfully rescued and brought to safety.
Authorities are closely monitoring the situation, urging residents and tourists to remain cautious and avoid venturing into flood-prone areas. The weather conditions are expected to persist, with more rain forecasted for the coming days.
Impact on Daily Life and Travel Advisory
The heavy rainfall has severely impacted daily life in the affected districts. Waterlogging, landslides, and road blockages have been reported in several areas, disrupting transportation and making travel hazardous. The local authorities have issued travel advisories, urging people to avoid non-essential travel and to stay indoors, especially in vulnerable areas prone to landslides and flooding.
In anticipation of further heavy rainfall, the Uttarakhand government has placed all relevant departments on high alert. Emergency services have been strengthened, and teams are on standby to respond to any crisis. The administration has also set up temporary shelters in safe zones for those who might need to evacuate their homes due to rising water levels.
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