Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Rescue Efforts Halted Again at Silkyara Tunnel as Drilling Encounters New Obstacle

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: In Uttarakhand’ district, where 41 workers have been trapped for two weeks, the rescue operation at the Silkyara tunnel faces another setback. The team paused drilling after their machine struck a new metal obstruction in the rock debris on Friday. Despite having drilled 46 meters, an additional 12 meters are required to establish a passageway.

Hot meals and oxygen supply:

The Uttarakhand government is sustaining the trapped workers with hot meals (rice and lentils) through a 6-inch pipe, while a separate pipe delivers essential oxygen. The majority of those trapped are migrant laborers, prompting their families to gather at the site, anxiously awaiting updates and hoping for a swift reunion.

86 meters of vertical drilling necessary to reach Silkyara tunnel’s crust:

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) acknowledges the prolonged nature of the rescue, emphasizing a shift towards vertical drilling. According to the NDMA, 86 meters of vertical drilling is necessary to reach the Silkyara tunnel’s crust.

“We are looking at multiple options, but with each option, we are considering how do we make sure that 41 men come home safe and we don’t hurt anyone…The mountain has again resisted the auger, so we are rethinking our approach…I am confident that the 41 men are coming home by Christmas…I have always promised that the workers will be home by Christmas,” said Arnold Dix, an international tunneling expert who is involved in the rescue operations.

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