Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Another hurdle in the way of rescue operation! What’s in store for workers

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Another hurdle in the way of rescue operation! What's in store for workers

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: The disaster in Uttarkashi has troubled the lives of around 41 workers and their families from the time they got stuck under the rubble. The rescuers have been trying their level best to reach the trapped workers; however, their efforts met another obstacle on Friday. Drilling had to be stopped as the machine after the drill bit had to be withdrawn from the passage created by the machine.

Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Why was the drilling halted?

The rescuers have been trying to carve their way out to the trapped workers using a drilling machine. Earlier, Uttarakhand Secretary Neeraj Khairwal reported, “They (a team of ground penetrating experts) could not say this with 100% accuracy but what they are expecting is that there is no continuous metal object, like girders, pipes and metal plates, in the next 5.4 meters. They have pointed out some other hurdles, but this is good news.”

Considering the statement made by Neeraj Khairwal, the rescuers had to stop the drilling process on Friday as the drill bit was withdrawn from the created passage. This came as a huge disappointment for the family members and well-wishers of the trapped workers. Apparently, several of them have been waiting for the rescue to unfold outside the site from the time the event occurred. Their hopes seemed to be fading away due to the obstacle faced by rescuers yet again.

Situation at the site of disaster as of now

Currently, the workers have been supplied with necessary sustenance and according to the reports, they are keeping strong both physically and mentally. The rescuers have planned to insert a steel frame in the created passage that will provide mobility for wheeled stretchers to pull out the workers. One of the officials reported, “They (trapped workers) are adequately clothed and when we speak to them, they say they will walk out on their own. That’s the kind of mental strength they have.”

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