Ayodhya’s Ramlala Adorns Cotton Vastra as Summer Heat Temperature Rises

Ramlala Idol

Ramlala Idol - Image Credit: Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra

With summer arriving early and temperatures climbing across India, the Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust in Ayodhya has adorned Bhagwan Shri Ramlala in comfortable cotton vastra starting March 30th.

Ramlala in Handloom Cotton Malmal

The beautiful cotton attire adorning the idol is handloom cotton malmal, a light and breathable fabric ideal for the hot season. The natural indigo dye adds a touch of tradition, and gotta flowers complete the elegant look.

Early Summer Heat Scorches Central India

While many parts of the country are just entering summer, central India is already experiencing scorching heat. Cities like Akola in Maharashtra have recorded highs of 42.6 degrees Celsius, one of the highest readings this season. Several locations in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra are witnessing temperatures exceeding 41°C, a significant deviation from the usual norms. Meteorologists attribute this early heatwave to a combination of geographical factors and shifting weather patterns.

Global Warming Concerns Rise with Early Heat

The unusual temperature surge across India is raising concerns about the impact of global warming. Delhi, which typically experiences its hottest days in May and June, saw temperatures reach 37 degrees Celsius on March 27th, exceeding the seasonal average by a concerning four degrees.

Following Tradition and Comfort

The decision to dress Bhagwan Shri Ramlala in cotton vastra reflects not only practical considerations for the hot weather but also an age-old tradition of adorning deities in seasonal attire. This practice ensures the comfort of the idols and adds a unique charm to their appearances throughout the year.

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