Raksha Bandhan 2024: The Noida Traffic Police are giving the festivities a unique spin on this Raksha Bandhan. The police have made the decision to refrain from issuing traffic challans to women for the day in an effort to encourage female drivers. Rather, they will concentrate on increasing awareness by giving female drivers and riders helmets.
Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign at City Intersections
The Noida Traffic Police will run a broad awareness campaign at several major crossroads as part of this special program. The intention is to raise awareness among women of the value of road safety, especially with regard to helmet use. The police believe that by adopting this strategy, more women will prioritise road safety.
A Challan-Free Day for Women
The police have declared that women would not receive traffic tickets today, allowing them to celebrate Raksha Bandhan without worrying about facing fines. With this gesture, women will be able to enjoy the celebration with their brothers without worrying about any fines.
The traffic police have made it clear that major violations are not subject to this tolerance. Since severe fines will still be imposed for any significant breach of traffic laws, safety will always come first.
Raksha Bandhan – A Celebration of Sibling Bonds
Millions of Indians celebrate Raksha Bandhan, a festival that is widely observed throughout India and among the Indian diaspora abroad. Various activities are being held today to commemorate this auspicious day, which represents the close relationship between siblings. The initiative of the Noida Traffic Police brings a thoughtful touch to the festivities by highlighting the significance of road safety and enabling ladies to attend the festival without any hindrances.
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