Noida News : Section 144 Imposed in Noida and Greater Noida Ahead of Key Events

Noida News: In anticipation of the consecration ceremony at the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22 and the upcoming Republic Day celebrations on January 26, the Gautam Buddh Nagar police announced the imposition of Section 144 of the CrPC in Noida and Greater Noida from January 21 to 26. The restrictions, outlined in an order by Additional DCP (law and order) Hridesh Katheriya, encompass a prohibition on unlawful assemblies of five or more people, unauthorized processions, and demonstrations. This move aims to ensure the smooth conduct of scheduled events and prevent potential disturbances during the specified period.

Rationale Behind Imposition and Key Events

The decision to invoke Section 144 is attributed to several significant events lined up in the region, including the live telecast of the Shri Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha on January 22, coinciding with a Diwali program. Additionally, events such as the birth anniversary of late Hazrat Ali on January 25 and the Republic Day celebration on January 26 are expected to draw attention. With various protests and demonstrations planned by different organizations and farmers during this period, the imposition of Section 144 is deemed necessary to preempt any potential disruptions and maintain public order.

Preventive Measures for Peace and Harmony

To safeguard against potential disturbances and ensure a peaceful environment, the Additional DCP emphasized the need to prevent mischievous elements from engaging in activities that could create an unfavorable environment. The imposition of Section 144 is seen as a preemptive measure to address the urgency of the situation and maintain peace and harmony in the Gautam Buddh Nagar Commissionerate. The order is passed ex-parte, considering the seriousness of the situation and the limited time available for due process.

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