Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, took a dig at Union Home Minister Amit Shah after his son Jay Shah was elected to the position of next chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC) without opposition. Former Secretary of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), Jay Shah will shortly take the helm as the youngest person to manage the world governing body of cricket.
Mamata Banerjee’s Sarcastic Congratulations
Mamata Banerjee didn’t hold back her sarcasm while congratulating Amit Shah on this occasion. She remarked, “Congratulations, Union Home Minister! Your son has not become a politician, but the ICC Chairman – a post much more important than most politicians’. Your son has indeed become very powerful, and I congratulate you on his elevated achievement. Kudos!”
Mahua Moitra Joins the Attack
Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra also joined the fray, echoing Banerjee’s sentiments. Taking to X, she wrote, “Congratulations @AmitShah- I join @MamataOfficial in congratulating you on the amazing achievements of your son. He is a shining example of how hard work & merit can make anything possible.”
Political Tension Amid Ongoing Unrest in West Bengal
Following the horrifying gang rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RC Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata, Banerjee’s most recent comments coincide with turmoil in West Bengal. The incident has led to violent protests throughout the state. Following harsh criticism of the Kolkata police for their conduct of the original investigation, the case was sent to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Jay Shah Elected ICC Chairman – Youngest Ever at 35
On Tuesday, Jay Shah, the BCCI Secretary since 2019, was chosen without opposition to become the ICC Chairman. He becomes the youngest individual to hold this esteemed position in the administration of cricket worldwide at the age of 35. On December 1, Shah will formally take over as the new leader, replacing Greg Barclay, who declined to run for a third term.
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