Google Introduces New Top-Level meme Domain for Meme Creators and Lovers; Details Inside

Google Meme Domain

Google has introduced a new TLD called .meme. The search giant has made this domain specifically for meme creators and lovers. With the help of this new Top-level domain, creators can make a presence on the web, particularly as a meme website and offer the convenience to meme lovers to directly visit the .meme websites to see interesting, funny and relatable memes. The new TLD on offer by Google will become a hub for all things memes. Check out more details below. 

According to the reports, Search giant has introduced the .meme TLD with a total of six partners registered on the Google Registry. Some of these websites are cat-themed sites including one of the most popular meme platforms Know Your Meme and Stonks. These meme platforms are now available on the web with the domain names- and

How it will Benefit? 

Early Access Period Benefits

The new meme TLD is now available under the Early Access Period in which Google will offer the new domains at different prices till December 5. After this period, these domains will be available on annual plans through different registrars.

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