Google Maps partners with ONDC to let users book metro tickers through the app, Details

Google Maps partners with ONDC to let users book metro tickers through the app, Details

Google Maps: As a result of its collaboration with Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC), Google said at the Google for India event on Thursday that its users will be able to purchase metro tickets via the Maps app.

Google Maps partners with ONDC

During the Google for India event, Google revealed that it will soon launch a feature that will allow users to book metro tickets via the Maps app, further solidifying its partnership with Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). Bikram Singh Bedi, Managing Director of Google Cloud India, stated that this service will be accessible through buyer apps rooted within the ONDC network and available in metro locations throughout India.

WhatsApp offers a similar feature

Lately, WhatsApp has begun offering users in Bengaluru and Delhi the ability to book similar metro tickets.
By means of agreements with the corresponding local metro train businesses, the Meta-owned app offers a complete ticket purchasing experience, including payment assistance.

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