Google Play Store: Tech Giant Updates Developer Policies for Android Apps; All You Need To know

Google Play Developer Policies

Google Play Store: Generative AI technology is becoming more widely used by developers. Google seems to be in plans to push the same into the android apps available on Google Play Store. This feature will enhance the overall user experience of the android apps. Meanwhile, before it takes place, the tech giant has informed developers that they need to include a way to report offensive AI generated content in their apps.

“Today, we’re announcing updates to our developer policies to further elevate the quality of apps on Play and continue delivering the best experiences,” Google said. The tech giant also informed that new developer rule focused towards ensuring the positive use of AI Generated content with the user’s feedback.

New Developer Policy Rules

The Google informed developers that from next year they will be required to allow users to report and flag offensive AI generated content without exiting the app.

“You [developers] should utilise these reports to inform content filtering and moderation in your apps – similar to the in-app reporting system required today under our User Generated Content policies,” Google said.

Google also informed that apps which are using AI to generate content will not create restricted content such as content related to abuse and exploitation of children, racism and other sensitive topics.

Enhanced Privacy

Google has also improved user privacy with its new policy update. It says that apps will be able to ask for permission based on their functionality and apps don’t need access to photos and videos frequently, they will be required to use a system picker.

Google also informed that apps which are focusing Android 14’s full screen intent notifications will be bounded to high priority cases which includes video and audio calls or alarm. For any other notification, the apps will be required to ask for the user’s permission.

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