Google Play Store: Alert! Trojanized Signal App Uploaded To Android App Store; Details Here

Google Playstore

Google Playstore: According to ESET, a chinese hackers has again targeted Google playstore. The hackers has uploaded a trojanized version of Signal App to the Google Playstore which is an alarming situation for all the android users. The same event of uploading malicious apps has also been reported on the Samsung Galaxy Store .

Signal and Telegram are an open source apps available on Github. In this development, hackers have tried to do this by accessing the open source versions along with adding malevolent codes into the programming. After programming these apps were uploaded on Google playstore by the hackers with the name “FlyGram” and “Signal Plus Messenger” which claims itself as an alternative for Telegram.

These trojanized Apps can steal basic data of the device, along with it, these can also retrieve sensitive data such as contact list, private documents, list of all the Google accounts and call logs.

On the other hand, Signal Plus Messenger can also spy the users conversations. this app is also able to extract the PIN number that is responsible to protect Signal account.

Although, the Signal Plus Messenger app was removed immediately after the ESET informed the tech giant about this threat. Signal Plus Messenger was downloaded for more than 100 times before Google removed the App. But both these Apps still exist on Samsung Galaxy App store.

To prevent any such malicious to take place with your device, consider the undermentioned takeways:

  1. Avoid installing any apk and modified version of any application from any third party app store.
  2. Access Google Playstore for installing any app.
  3. Check for reviews and ratings for the app which you are going to install.
  4. Do a security check on your mobile after installing any application.

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