Google’s Waze App to inform users about accident-prone roads, Details

Google's Waze App to inform users about accident-prone roads, Details

Google’s Waze App: Even though Google Maps is perhaps the most popular and preferred navigation tool among users, the firm also owns another software. A new feature that will help drivers avoid collisions has been added to Google’s Waze navigation app. Now, when a vehicle approaches a road with a history of collisions, the app will alert them. Read on to learn how this feature can be helpful.

Google’s Waze App’s new feature

Before they even get to that portion of the route, the feature will notify drivers that they are approaching an area that is prone to accidents. Waze will, however, only display a limited number of alerts on the roads that drivers frequently travel on; according to Google, this move is meant to reduce driver distraction.
According to a spokesperson, the alerts were generated using artificial intelligence that examined road parameters like normal traffic volumes, height, and whether the route is a road or a highway.

As per the spokesperson, reports from the Waze community that provide past crash data are also the basis for crash history notifications.

How will it help?

The feature attempts to stop traffic accidents, which are the eighth largest cause of mortality worldwide.

Before the driver approaches a spot with a crash history, like a blind spot or a tight curve, the Waze app will inform them with a prompt, effectively encouraging them to slow down, pay closer attention, and steer clear of potential collisions.

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