Top 5 WhatsApp features rolled out in 2023 that make it more user friendly, Check out

Top 5 features that WhatsApp rolled out in 2023, Check out

WhatsApp: A year is a long period, made longer by the fact that WhatsApp‘s development team is now releasing new versions more often than before. Although WhatsApp remains the same, it has undergone significant changes in the past year, offering a plethora of new features.

This year saw the arrival of many of WhatsApp’s highly anticipated new features, such as multi-account support and message editing. In this article, we will share the top 5 features that were launched by WhatsApp this year.

Top 5 features that WhatsApp rolled out in 2023


Channels were one of the main new features added to WhatsApp this year. With the use of channels, an individual or group can independently speak with their audience. The ability for anyone to build a WhatsApp channel was one of the most important updates that the platform received over the course of the year.

Multiple devices, one WhatsApp

WhatsApp simplicity used to be sacrificed in order to balance business and personal phones. You can now use your WhatsApp account on up to four devices at once with ease thanks to the arrival of multi-device support. With this feature, you can continue to participate in all of your discussions without continually switching phones—whether you’re using your tablet at home or your laptop at work.

Two Accounts on the Same Mobile

WhatsApp’s choice to introduce native multi-account capability without the need for tricks or app clones was equally surprising. The process of making this new function available to users is currently ongoing. Despite the fact that our testing revealed how well it performed.

Send Messages to yourself

In order to normalise the practice of opening a chat with oneself for the purpose of saving notes or for any other reason, WhatsApp decided to provide this capability after years of users using various ways to accomplish this. Your personal contact will appear with the suffix (You) when you create a new chat.

HD Photos and Videos

WhatsApp battled for years to ensure that shared material had the right image quality. But sharing HD-quality photographs became possible in 2023.

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