Bride Groom Viral Video: Instant Karma! Groom’s Insistence to Get Bullet in Dowry Results in Major Mishap, Bride’s Reaction Steals The Show; WATCH

Bride Groom Viral Video

Bride Groom Viral Video

Bride Groom Viral Video: The social internet is full of videos about weddings. While some of them make you want to watch them repeatedly, others are utterly disturbing. A wedding film that has to do with dowries has recently come to light. In this case, the groom is adamant about receiving a bullet as dowry. In opposition to the girl’s family, the groom rebels. He declares that he won’t tie the knot until he receives the bullet. The bride made a major decision because she was tired of the groom’s intransigence. Everyone in the mandap was shocked when they saw what she had done.

Watch Bride Groom viral video

The bride and groom are seen in this visually stunning video going through every step of the marriage ceremonies in the mandap. Their relatives and family are also there during this. The groom suddenly becomes insistent about wanting the dowry. He may be seen questioning the bride’s family, “Why did you give Apache when you promised to give a Bullet?” He begins to rebel at the wedding over this problem. A man arrives in the interim and decorates the bride with the garland. After the bride gives him the garland as well, they both walk off the scene. This video shows how the groom loses his bride as a result of his intransigence.

Netizens reacted to the video

When the groom sees his feet slipping away, he does the same. He is unsure of what to do. But this video isn’t true at all. It appears to have been created purely for amusement. The video was posted to the mansi.writer Instagram account. Many amusing responses are being posted by users on it.

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