Gujarat Viral Video: In a shocking incident, an 11-foot-long crocodile was found in the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda campus on Thursday within the Gujarat district of Vadodara. The huge reptile was first spotted by some students on Thursday who were shocked to see its enormity and immediately called the Forest Department.
Forest Department Responds Quickly to Crocodile Sighting at Gujarat University
With timely help, staff of the Forest Department reached the spot and brought the situation under control. In this Gujarat Viral Video we can see the crocodile was rescued without causing harm to the students and also the reptile itself. Range Forest Officer Karansinh Rajput told ANI, “During the last five days ten such crocodiles have been captured. Two of them were released while eight are yet to be released as the rivers have adequate water.”.
Rajput even spoke about the rescue of a 14-foot crocodile from a house near Kamnath Mahadev temple and another from near Ratri Bazar. A contributing factor towards them being found in such locations is the increasing need for alert wildlife management.
Public Reaction and Rescue of Roadside Crocodile
This is not the first time any such incident has happened. A crocodile was found on the road, moving and creating panic among the people, on August 7 in Uttar Pradesh. In the viral video of the encounter, it is seen that people ran away, and one man tried to shoo the reptile away by kicking its tail. Quick action by forest officials rescued the reptile and released it into the wild.
These incidences reveal various challenges that wildlife authorities continue to face in managing and translocating crocodiles upon entering areas of human population.
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