Haryanvi dance video: Rachna Tiwari takes over the internet with sizzling performance on ‘Nai Si Botal La,’ watch enthralling video

Haryanvi dance video

Haryanvi dance video: Rachna Tiwari is one of the famous dancers in the Haryanvi music industry. Her performance creates a flutter where ever she goes. Her on-stage performance is liked by everyone. She is also very popular on social media. That is the reason why her songs become an instant hit the moment they are released. The song in the video is titled ‘Nai Si Botal La’. She is seen performing enthusiastically in this video. She is setting the stage on fire with her sensuous and flawless dance moves on the peppy beats.

Watch Haryanvi dance video

In the video, Rachna Tiwari is dancing to the peppy beats of the song. She is making waves on the internet with sensuous and flawless dance moves. Her dance moves are leaving the audience awestruck as she is raising the bar high with her energetic dance performance. Her ability to captivate the audience with her electrifying dance has gained her popularity.

She is wearing a stunning suit in the video and setting the temperature soaring while playing with a bottle during her dance. Her sultry expressions are the cherry on the cake for the audience and they praised her in the comment section. She has won a big fanbase on social media as well and her videos become viral on the video.

Views on the video

The video has garnered 10,903,106 views on YouTube. Online users praise the dance performance as she is captivating the audience with her energetic dance. She is leaving the audience spellbound with her dance performance.

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