S Jaishankar: Terrorism has been a policy of Pakistan government

Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said that terrorism acknowledged by the Pakistan government as a policy that they justify. He said that this is the reason why it is very difficult for India to normalize relations with Pakistan.

Addressing an online event organized by the Asia Society, Jaishankar said, Well, I am afraid we’re still at the, if not the perennial issues, at least the long-lasting ones, which is terrorism from Pakistan continues.”

“Terrorism from Pakistan remains publicly acknowledged by their government as a policy that they are justifying. So it makes it very hard to conduct normal relations with them,” Jaishankar said.

“So as far as our neighbours are concerned, our point to them is that this is something which is internal to us. Every country after all reserves the right to change its administrative jurisdictions. A country like China has also changed the borders of its provinces and I’m sure a lot of other countries do that.”

“Neighbours get impacted only if your external boundaries change. That has not happened in this case,” he said.

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