Viral Video: A video of a heinous act has emerged from Noida. It is going viral on every social media platform. A video was shared by Nishant Sharma (Bhardwaj) through his X account on August 27, which shows that some people were attacking a car with sticks and bats. The incident reportedly occurred in B Block of Sector 72 falling under the limits of Sector 113 police station.
Elderly Women Try to Intervene as Car is Vandalized
The video showcases two elderly women desperately attempting to intervene and intervene to put a stop to the violence; however, the attackers destroy the vehicle. All of this takes place along what looks like a residential area and all adds to the shock of viewers who are amazed by the serious destruction.
The caption accompanying the video expresses concern, as disputes arising out of car parking are on the rise, describing the fight as a “Mahabharata” between the two sides. The vandalism has sparked outrage online, with scores of users expressing their anger at the brazen act depicted in the clip.
Calls for Accountability
One user commented, “Look how much power these people have; they are shamelessly talking and breaking the car. legal action should be taken.” Another one humorously suggested, “Pehle Inka Bhoot Utaaro,” reflecting the bewilderment and frustration felt by so many over this incident.
The video immediately went viral, amassing millions of views and reactions in its wake-a sobering call to action for an effective and swift response from local authorities. Accordingly, the community is in complete shock due to this violence that has been acted out with this display; there are calls for accountability and measures that would prevent such incidents in the future.
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