Vande Bharat Express Viral Video: A video has gone viral on social media, in which a young woman and a man are accusing BJP workers of assaulting them onboard the Meerut-Lucknow Vande Bharat Express. The video, shot reportedly inside the train on Saturday, August 31-the day the train was inaugurated-has drawn wide attention.
Media Presence Captures Allegations Onboard the Inaugural Train
In the Vande Bharat Express Viral Video, a woman, who identifies herself as Tania, addresses the media flanked by a man whose name is not distinctly clear. Video clearly shows these dangling mics from different media houses. She and the man narrate how BJP workers blocked their journey earlier at a carriage, telling them, “Yeh BhaJaPa ka cabin hai” which means “This is BJP’s cabin.”.
Tania said that they were allowed to pass through the carriage initially, but there was a confrontation when they tried to return to their seats through the same cabin. The BJP workers stopped them again, she says, and that led to the escalation.
Tensions Escalate as Background Men Interrupt the Accusations
The man accompanying Tania said the BJP workers physically assaulted them, adding that he has a video on his phone to corroborate their allegations. As the two recounted what happened, several men in the background tried to interrupt them. The scene becomes more heated as one of the men-a saffron-clad man-clashes with the man accompanying Tania.
It happened when the Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off Meerut-Lucknow Vande Bharat Express along with two other trains. The video incident has led to a storm of debate and outrage on social media over the conduct of BJP workers, giving prominence to questions of safety and behavioral conduct of passengers while commuting in public modes of transport.
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