Viral Video: A provocative hoarding, featuring ex-adult film star Mia Khalifa, has courted an unexpected controversy in Kuruvimalai, Tamil Nadu, at the Aadi Perukku festival. The hoarding showed a provocative picture of Khalifa holding a traditional milk vessel that is otherwise used to offer at Goddess Amman during the festival as ‘paal kudam.’.
Celebrating Shakti in Tamil Nadu
Aadi Perukku is celebrated as the penultimate celebration across Tamil Nadu, aimed at worshipping Shakti in feminine energy. It encompasses elaborate ceremonies, and each temple in this region rises to the challenge. These festivals are a kaleidoscope of color with beautiful decorations, crowds, and festivities—gutti- and series-light-decorated hoardings across all prominent temples like Nagathamman and Selliyamman in Kuruvimalai.
However, the image of Mia Khalifa on the hoarding was controversy enough. Her image was morphed in keeping with the theme of the festival and placed it alongside images of deities, which evoked fierce criticism from protesters at the festival venue and social media users. Critics argue that this use of Khalifa’s image is disrespectful and incongruous to the sacred traditions associated with the festival.
A Celebration of Shakti and Tradition
The uproar elicited quick action for the removal of the hoarding by the Magaral Police Station. It also brought out the sensitiveness involved in blending modern elements with traditional celebrations and possible missteps that could offend cultural and religious sentiments.
This simply underscores the importance of careful consideration and respect for cultural practices in festivals with strong religious and traditional values. The festival was known to be a symbol of unity and devotion, but an unexpected distraction disrupted the harmony, reminding organizers of the importance of promotional material that aligns with the ethos of the celebration.