Viral Video: In an appalling incident from Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar district, a police constable brutally thrashed a delivery boy for being late in delivering an online order. A huge public outcry and legal proceedings followed.
Details of the Assault
As reports said, the delivery boy, identified as one Jitendra, is forced to work as a newspaper seller in the morning to suffice his family. Jitendra delivered a consignment to be made at the CIDCO police station. Since the consignment was delayed, reasons stated for it involving heavy traffic or some logistic reasons were unavoidable.
According to reports, Shejwal hit Jitendra with sticks and even slapped him, leading to the poor man’s ghastly injuries. The delivery boy has got ghastly injuries in the form of a split lip, swollen limbs, and many bruises over his legs and hands. He has also suffered injuries to his head from the assault. The gory details were captured in the photographs, which show how badly Jitendra was injured.
Video Reveal the Extent of Injuries
The incident has evoked prompt reaction from the administration. A case against Shejwal is filed in CIDCO police station, and orders are given to file a formal complaint against him. The case has called for severe protest from the regular crowd of people and activist leaders are now demanding severe action and justice for the victim.
This incident underscores a distressing trend of action involving weapon usage and abuse of power in unnecessary excess of the situation, and complaints over how people in inferior positions of power are treated. An investigation is currently in progress but has also raised calls for a comprehensive reconsideration and necessary action so that acts of such brutality are taken with the seriousness they deserve, and are not replicated.
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