Viral Video: Recently, a viral video emerged in which a doctor was shown to be getting thrashed. Shared by Ghar Ke Kalesh on Instagram, the post showed a person beating up an old man, presumably a doctor. The caption mentioned that the doctor had apparently misbehaved with some female employee at his clinic which is why the lady, along with her family, took the matter into their hands.
Doctor Remains Silent Amidst Assault
The doctor remains seated and silent throughout as the lady hits him. This has left many of his fans to question, with others wondering whether his silence on the matter was an admittance of guilt or if he can’t communicate otherwise. The lack of detail has hence led to speculation among netizens. It does not state in the video whatsoever what happened, when or where this matter occurred, and the cause of such commotion to provoke such a violent outburst.
There have been diverse reactions to the physical violence exuded by the angry woman. Some hold that what she did to the man was deserved; conclusive satisfaction for violation. One of the comments reads, “This is what such a doctor is worth,” hence representing consent from some, after all unexpected, quarters of the internet.
Concerns About Video’s Limited Perspective
Others, on the other hand, have voiced that it cannot depict the whole picture of what the actual matter from the hardly ten-second-long clip. Of these, there is a comment that says, “We cannot decide right and wrong based on just a 10-second video.”
The speed with which the video went viral underscores the power of social media to amplify incidents of public interest. At the same time, it also emphasizes the problems in fully gauging the context behind any viral content. The real nature of the incident remains obscure as the video continues to gather views and reactions.
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