Viral video: Latest culinary experiment! Watermelon pizza leaves internet baffled; netizens say, ‘This is crime’

Viral Food Video

Viral video: In the world of social media, culinary experiments and unconventional food pairings continue to amaze and bewilder food enthusiasts. Food bloggers and creative chefs are always pushing the boundaries with their inventive concoctions. The latest sensation taking the internet by storm is the viral video featuring a bizarre creation known as “watermelon pizza,” leaving viewers scratching their heads in disbelief.

Watch the viral video here

The video showcases a chef embarking on an unconventional journey of transforming a slice of watermelon into a pizza-like dish. The process begins with grilling the watermelon slice on a pan, adding a twist to the traditional pizza base. As the chef spreads barbecue sauce on the grilled fruit, the video’s accompanying text claims, “Bbq sauce works better with watermelon than tomato.” This unexpected combination has certainly sparked curiosity.

The watermelon slice, now resembling a pizza base, is further garnished with cheese and pepperoni toppings. The chef proceeds to grill it once again, allowing the cheese to melt and create a unique flavor profile. Finally, the “watermelon pizza” slice is complete, presenting a bewildering fusion of sweet and savory elements.

Check out a few reaction 

One user commented, “He too dangerous to be left alive.” Another user commented, “Vegans. God dammit.” One of them wrote, “This is crime.” Some comments were like, “Why would you do that? 🙁,” “Oh mama Mia I’m Italian this is illegal straight to jail,” “🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢why? Why? Why would you do???????” 

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